Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Stuff we've done...

Hmmm... it seems wasteful putting the same videos on two blogs and I put photo-video of our Snowdon hike on the scout blog... similarly the Rifle champs camp.
Here they are anyway -


I've just copied the html not uploaded the video again so its not really wasteful!
Next hike is Tryfan, which is a great scramble - if you haven't been up tryfan yet it's definately a good day so long as weather doesn't stop us doing the N ridge! (and its part of the fitness activity for those doing mountain walking for DofE fitness!)

Also well done to Evie being selected for the Scout National Rifle Squad! She came 8th in the senior Biathlon due to great shooting (and in spite of being really slow at the running! - she needs to come on more SSGMG hikes and get fitter! :) )

Faster Evie!!!

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