Sunday 25 May 2014

Drum Corps dates

Sat June 7th Gobwen fete
Meet 12.30 at the playing fields.
Sat 14th June Shrewsbury carnival meet in the quarry time tba.
Sat July 5th Baschurch village fete meet 1.30 at the primary school.
July 13th West Felton Carnival meet 1.30 @ the Punch Bowl pub
Full uniform for all events

Monday 19 May 2014

Great DofE Bake-off


OK - you said great British bake-off but you meant DofE Bake-off didn't you?

Anyway - your mission for Thursday is to cook the perfect DofE main meal!
Points for:
Calories! You need lots - 2-3000
Edible! You must eat it! (obviously!)
Weight - it's got to be light! That means dry and no heavy packaging!
Cost! This isn't the Corbett DofE! It must cost less than £172! (OK - actually it must cost less than £5!)
Speed! You are hungry! You need to eat in less than 30 mins or so!
Not dying! You must not die! There is a huge amount of paperwork if you die! Nothing that might lead to fatal food poisoning!
Other than this, points will be awarded for nice nosh!

This is especially important for our new DofE group who are doing their expedition on 31 May! I have sent of their route cards for authorisation, checked their kit list, and booked the campsite - we are all set to go! Just need to make sure you can all cook!

Bring an award winning DofE food kit and cook it on an alter fire or gas cooker to win the accolade of awesomest DofE bake-off cook of the unit! Awesome!

I will be in touch with the DofE bronze group soon for final meeting/kilt check etc soon.

Please bring your ingredients, kfs and a plate/bowl!

Thursday 1 May 2014

Summer Time

It's summer term, but we don't meet until next week - starting back at school/college and explorers too in the same week would be too much of a shock to the system of the more fragile explorers, so the first meeting back is next week. We will be doing 'Back to Basics' as it is traditional, but also plan the prog for the term and discuss how we want to run things around the exams etc...
And we will get our shiny new Brown (brownie?) coloured hoodies! (there are still two who haven't paid up for them - you know who you are! Bring me a tenner!)