Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Peace and light!

As the Drum Corps are meeting at PGL this week we can meet earlier and start at 8pm on 10 November and finish at 9:30pm.
As we are very nearly at 11:11 11/11/11 it seemed relevant to mark the occasion with a peace image art installation.... Bring lighters if you have them and we can see what we can do...

We also need to start fundraising for Tuvalu - actually start! not just start to talk about how we might start!!!

Alao, a number of you have mentioned problems with D of E registration... Evie said much the same, but when I tried to connect to her's it was all fine! Why not bring your eDofE email along and I can see if I can help - if you priont it off, I can also chase the DofE HQ guys and tell them exactly which eDofE id isn't working! You do need to log what you are doing - eg practice expedition, mountain walking, volunteering etc. I know lots of you have made a good start and are on track to get it all done by Easter!

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