Friday, 7 November 2014

Remembrance Sunday parade ..... 9th November

At this time every year Boreatton Scout Group takes part in a solemn parade to All Saints Church in Baschurch.  We then go into the Church for a service of remembrance to commemorate all those who fell or were injured in war.

This is the one activity each year that we expect all Explorers to turn out for - put aside football and rugby matches, having a lie in or just can't be bothered - we expect you there if at all possible.  We will meet in the Admiral Duncan car park at 10.15 on Sunday 9th November in full Explorer uniform, to include school-type trousers and polished shoes.  Please bring some money for the collection as well as a poppy.

The service and march back to Millington Close is usually finished by around 12.20.

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