Tuesday, 4 February 2014

red and blue

Our extra meeting tomorrow (Weds 5 Feb) is to say thank you to the Shropshire Council peeps for another £1000 (woo hoo!) and run a workshop for their awards night.

The money was for summer camp in Mongolia so we plan to run a workshop billed as:

        Наадам - ancient amusements from the Аltai      

We need to be at:

Election Results Evening and Presentation of Funding Certificates
Wednesday 5th February 2014
6.30pm – 8.30 pm
Council Chamber, Shirehall, Shrewsbury

...but try and be there 15 mins early. I am a bit at the mercy of the train gods but will be there as soon as I can!

I will bring my flock of ankle bones and we will teach all the YPs Mongolian gambling and fighting games!

Dress like the Mongolian wrestler, or as much as you dare... but at least dress in red and blue!
and wear a necker!


Anonymous said...

Don't forget they gave us £400 for the Pedal car too.

Boreatton Scout Troop said...

But that is for the BEASTs to say thank you for - this is a thank you from the explorers!