Our last meeting will be on Thursday at 7:15pm at AMF Bowling Harlescott. No wind, no rain, no hills - time to chill and eat chips at Quasar and Bowling.
Please book a ticket as I need to confirm number and pay for you so they have enough lanes for us etc. Bring a few pennies for nachos and drinks... and bring your subs for this term (which were due in September!!!) if you haven't paid up yet!
We are doing quasar too as we need to be prepared for paintballing - from 1 January, we can do paintballing officially! Come with ideas for next term's prog for your prog planning sub-committee, but we do have to do an official paintball event!
We should have a consent form for this as it is away from the hut...
... and as we are away from the hut I will have to insist on full explorer uniform so that I can spot you at a distance (although an equally recognisable silly hat would be an acceptable alternative (or flashing antlers or festive fingernails ... just so I can recognise you as one of us :D ))
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