Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Human Glo-sticks!

EL explorers!
OK it's a very short vid - I don't think I switched to record when I meant to... 

...but super bright for us to light up the Explorer party! I've ordered a bunch more so we can all glo! 

No meeting tomorrow 27 Sept (except rifle practice for the squad) as we are (almost) all going caving or flying this w/e and I need tomorrow to get ready. Next week, we will prepare for the explorer party (you all said you wanted to go so I've booked us all in) We will sort out the EL stuff, so wear what you want to attach the EL wire to (eg black jacket, long wig,...)

We can also start to prepare for the DofE expedition on 27-28 October... I have the grid coordinates of the start and end in the Berwyns (Brrrr....wyns).

Rifle practice

Sorry guys - I ran out of time to get a nice picture... but as promised I have blogged the time for this week - As I and 7 or 8 squad members are off caving this w/e, practice is Thursday 27 Sept 8:00-9:00pm for explorers (subject to Arriva Wales train service which has not really deserved to be called a service this week... grrrr.....) Come if you can!
Also, those coming caving at the w/e might like to bring their consent forms and cheque for £35 payable to Boreatton Explorers

Friday, 21 September 2012

Rifle squad practice

Sorry - I've forgotten what time we said for rifle practice this Sunday so I'll just make it up (as I said at troop night). It's different this week because of the scout camp... I suggest that we do 4pm-5pm for explorers. Come if you can!

Monday, 17 September 2012

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Rifle squad practice forms

Hey - it's Evie earning her place in the National Squad last year!

It's time to start practising for the squad and skill up for bronze DofE if you chose to do this as your skill. The DofE requirements are to follow a programme of training and practice for three months and demonstrate a new skill or improved level of performance. We had our taster back before the sumer hols, and this programme will run to the National Scout Air Rifle Championships in October, and then we will hole one or two extra sessions to earn NSRA Youth Proficiency or national Junior awards. This should cover the three months for your DofE, and then of course, if you enjoy it and are good, you can continue and get involved in scouting (or other) competitions!

Thursday, 13 September 2012

New term

We're back! (shame the blog isn't - but I'll get round to it soon....) Meet tonight 13/9 at 8:05 at the scout hut! 
See you all there - I may be a bit late so if I am Phil said she'd help out...