Monday, 3 October 2016


We will have our next Unit night as a BBQ at Bickley Coppice on Friday 7 October meeting at Bickley Coppice from 7:30 and then the explorers can camp independently overnight (leaders will leave them to it and call back in the morning to help clear away the heavier kit). If you want to just come for the BBQ we will aim to finish about 9:30.

Many of the explorers have commitments on a Sat so you can make arrangements with parents to be collected early so there should not be a problem getting to an early start for other activities - but bear in mind you might be sleepier than otherwise! It will be light by 7am.

The road down to Bickley is basically the edge of the field so it makes sense to get dropped off at the end of the road through the village and walk down to the woods. You do not need much kit for one night!

Here are maps for those not familiar with the site! (although I think we have all been there a few times!)

Here are the camp forms (actually - as an activity away from the hut I should have a consent form anyway even if you do not plan to camp).

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