OK - so Bickley works better 7-8 Oct... We'll do Bakeoff next week with Phil, and then do Bickley...
Saturday, 24 September 2016
OK - so Bickley works better 7-8 Oct... We'll do Bakeoff next week with Phil, and then do Bickley...
Wednesday, 21 September 2016
Raising the Roof!
First meeting at the hut this week (where were you last week when we went up Earl's hill?)!
We need to plan what we do this w/e at the Baschurch Fete to raise funds for the roof of the church (which is falling off... :( )
Robin will be running a stall (to get his promise challenge badge and complete his Gold Award) so come with ideas for a cheap stall (that parents will be happy to let their kids spend 20ps at)
Maybe bring some T or snacks to help lubricate the planning process! Meanwhile, here is a provisional Prog (Hurrah! Haven't one of these for a while!) lovingly crafted by the prog planning committee!
See you all 2moz! Happy Autumn!
Sunday, 11 September 2016
Sunset hike

Last chance to catch some rays as our first meeting on 15 September will be a sunset hike with the Rea Valley explorers to go up Pontesbury Hill to catch the sunset at the end of summer...
It will end as a night hike so bring usual night hike gear!
Libby and John, out DESC team are organising and give details as follows:
Hi Explorers
This week is our first meeting after the Summer break and we will be walking up Pontesbury Hill with Boreatton Explorers.
When we were on Summer Camp, Rea Valley Explorers were talking about the hill and we realised that Boreatton Explorers and Leaders had never been up it. We have scheduled it at the beginning of term as the nights are getting darker and it will be better to at least do some of the walk in the daylight.
Meet at Pontesbury Library/Mary Webb School at 7.pm and return by 9:30
Please bring a drink and a snack. It is going to be very hot this week so it is important to stay hydrated.
Sensible footwear please.
Monday monday, so good to you!
The rifle squad decided that Mondays were the best! So our next practice will be Monday 12 September at Leaton Hall Ranges as usual. 7-8pm scouts and 8-9pm explorers but if necessary, and you let me know, you can come to the other session.
Apologies if you weren't at the first session and didn't get chance to tell me this doesn't work for you... just let me know and I'll sort things out for you!
I have your consent form for the practice sessions and will sort out new ones for the camp soon but all you need for tomorrow is yourself!
Apologies if you weren't at the first session and didn't get chance to tell me this doesn't work for you... just let me know and I'll sort things out for you!
I have your consent form for the practice sessions and will sort out new ones for the camp soon but all you need for tomorrow is yourself!
Sunday, 4 September 2016
Rifle squad...
It's time to get on target and hit the centre dot... I propose that we meet at Leaton Rifle Ranges on Wednesday 7-9-16 to plan our prep... We usually max out over an hour so 8:00-9:30 or so should be approp for a first meeting of the whole squad, and then we will organise whether we need to split into more than one group for practice...
Summer has gotten behind us and we are ready for a shiney new term!
There is no meeting on 8 Sept as that is the first thursday of school/college so our first meeting is at the hut on 15 September 8:05-9:35pm... however, I think we need to plan the prog better that hithertofore and so I propose to invite all interested explorers to come to Leaton Hall for a pre-plan-planning-preliminary-pre-meeting at 8pm on Thurs 8 Sept to pre plan a prog... Let me know if you want to be involved!
There is no meeting on 8 Sept as that is the first thursday of school/college so our first meeting is at the hut on 15 September 8:05-9:35pm... however, I think we need to plan the prog better that hithertofore and so I propose to invite all interested explorers to come to Leaton Hall for a pre-plan-planning-preliminary-pre-meeting at 8pm on Thurs 8 Sept to pre plan a prog... Let me know if you want to be involved!
Caving camp!
OMG its next term already! And the first sign of Autumn is either the swallows flying south or the announcement of the caving camp! Here's the announcement and the consent form!
nah... proceed
(to camp! - but don't go swimming at the end of Porth yr Ogof obviously!)
Let me know if you want to go by end of Tuesday 6 Sept and I'll relay to Chris... Sorry it's late notice, but they always do it just before term starts...
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