The last week of term and at last we have a video of our Fiji expedition! We needed to make it for the County AGM, and two of you will be presenting it to the County who donated a chunk of money to help us go!
(we borrowed some music (which I did buy!) but they decided to stick ads in the YouTube to serve me right for letting others hear the music I bought... Don't know what the ads are - hope they're not inappropriate!!!)
We meet in full flamboyant Fiji gear (yes guys - you can wear your skirts again!) with flags and ukuleles at the Abbey at 7:00 on Thursday 18th July.
The meeting is set to be otherwise a bit underexciting unless you are recieving a gold award or DofE award... but at least there will be seven and a half minutes of entertainment!
Finally, to end the term on a note of adventurousness, we will have a garden party/BBQ at my house on Friday 19th July at 7:30-9:30 or so to chill, play, and plan
1 Summer camp 2013 (with Bicton) - I need to have numbers so come prepared to sign up for the 28 Aug to 1 Sept N Wales camp and with any ideas of what would be good to do if it's sunny/what to do if it's rainy...
2 Summer camp 2014 Siberia - bring a parent to help us create a fundraising committee (it didn't really work when explorers tried to do fundraising all by themselves... (but I'm happy to be proven wrong if you do!) and think about a plan B in case the Russians do not get back to us very soon...
Tuesday, 16 July 2013
Friday, 12 July 2013
Rifle squad 2013!
This is where you can sign up for our rifle team for the National Scout Air Rifle Competition 2013. This a great camp and the one camp with strict number limits so sign up asap if you want to come!
I will invite a couple of scouts who shot well in our trials and the rest are based on enthusiasm (ie first to sign up!
The camp is the w/e of 18-20 October and the cost will be about £50 (almost all of this is to cover entry and extra events). Signing up is a commitment to pay and also to attend training sessions in Autumn term leading up to the competition.
It is worth signing the reserve list if all the other places are allocated as there is some flexibility between adults/explorers/scouts, and I may limit the number of main tickets (ie you are not guaranteed a place, but I think the number of tickets is what will be available)
I will invite a couple of scouts who shot well in our trials and the rest are based on enthusiasm (ie first to sign up!
The camp is the w/e of 18-20 October and the cost will be about £50 (almost all of this is to cover entry and extra events). Signing up is a commitment to pay and also to attend training sessions in Autumn term leading up to the competition.
It is worth signing the reserve list if all the other places are allocated as there is some flexibility between adults/explorers/scouts, and I may limit the number of main tickets (ie you are not guaranteed a place, but I think the number of tickets is what will be available)
Tuesday, 9 July 2013
...and now we go faster!
Having won scouting's Pedalcar Grand Prix (woop woop! Go us! We are the fastest!) we will take it easy this thursday and let the cylinders take the strain! We meet at 6pm (ulp - I'll need to take a half day of leave) at Rednall Kart track and zip around the circuit in super grippy sweltering temperatures!
Here's an eventbrite thing as I need to pay a deposit to those that are coming so book in through that (even if you've facebook'd or pm'd me or left a comment or phone... but I need to know if you want a drive by 2moz!)
We are on the track at 6.00 so please please arrive by 5.45 wearing stout shoes or boots (no flip flops Doc). Gloves, helmets and race suits will be provided, Racing should last for about 1 1/2 hours but as is often the way this may run over a bit.
Bring sun cream and water and a consent form!
Here's an eventbrite thing as I need to pay a deposit to those that are coming so book in through that (even if you've facebook'd or pm'd me or left a comment or phone... but I need to know if you want a drive by 2moz!)
We are on the track at 6.00 so please please arrive by 5.45 wearing stout shoes or boots (no flip flops Doc). Gloves, helmets and race suits will be provided, Racing should last for about 1 1/2 hours but as is often the way this may run over a bit.
Bring sun cream and water and a consent form!
Thursday, 4 July 2013
We meet at the usual time and place tonight for road testing WAVE and BURP - bring a bike (optional) and helmet (required) and lets see if they are roadworthy (or even complete!)... They should be able to keep up with a bike on a tight circuit...
The SSGMG are doing Snowdon on Sunday 14th July - and it's going to be HOT and sunny (hurrah!)! (at least at the bottom)

(finally managed to drag them out of the gift shop to see the top)
If we do the Watkin path there are nice streams to cool off in (and I'm sure we will find some whichever path we do...!)

Come and climb and chill with the mountain group - its always a good hike this one so Chris says you need to book early (with me) to guarantee your place!
(finally managed to drag them out of the gift shop to see the top)
If we do the Watkin path there are nice streams to cool off in (and I'm sure we will find some whichever path we do...!)
Come and climb and chill with the mountain group - its always a good hike this one so Chris says you need to book early (with me) to guarantee your place!
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