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Saturday, 26 January 2013
Wednesday, 23 January 2013
Hamster Guinea Pigs!
Woo hoo! It works!
Planning turned into 'planning who's turn was next' in the human hamster ball!
Our next task is coincidentally to say thanks to the Positive Activities Fund peeps by helping them in their Youth Parliament Election results night when they will be giving certificates to those groups that applied for and recieved funding, and running two workshops for them. It's in a fortnight on a Thursday (7 Feb) 5-8:30pm (ulp - very early! not sure I'll be able to get there at 5pm???).
They asked us to do a 45 min presentation on our summer camp, as a 'workshop' thing, and to also do a second workshop which I though we could do as robot racing (?) and Raspberry Pi stuff (it has to be in a smallish room for up to 20 young people... ) That means we have two meetings to sort them out, and given the IT /indoorsey nature of things (and also the slipperyness of the PGL roads) we will meet tomorrow (Thurs 23 January) at Leaton Hall to start getting it all together. Usual times (and with the bonus that the average explorer gives out in excess of 100W even when working so if you all come it will be like having an extra electric fan heater in my house which is very cold these days....)
Planning turned into 'planning who's turn was next' in the human hamster ball!
Our next task is coincidentally to say thanks to the Positive Activities Fund peeps by helping them in their Youth Parliament Election results night when they will be giving certificates to those groups that applied for and recieved funding, and running two workshops for them. It's in a fortnight on a Thursday (7 Feb) 5-8:30pm (ulp - very early! not sure I'll be able to get there at 5pm???).
They asked us to do a 45 min presentation on our summer camp, as a 'workshop' thing, and to also do a second workshop which I though we could do as robot racing (?) and Raspberry Pi stuff (it has to be in a smallish room for up to 20 young people... ) That means we have two meetings to sort them out, and given the IT /indoorsey nature of things (and also the slipperyness of the PGL roads) we will meet tomorrow (Thurs 23 January) at Leaton Hall to start getting it all together. Usual times (and with the bonus that the average explorer gives out in excess of 100W even when working so if you all come it will be like having an extra electric fan heater in my house which is very cold these days....)
Wednesday, 16 January 2013
...and now we begin!
Ulp - suddenly its a new term!
We meet at the new sports barn to start this term as the puggles accidentally dug a moat around our hut! There's no parking there so please use the coach park in front of you as you go through the barrier for the time being.
First meeting is planning, so bring some music, chocolate, ideas, enthusiasm, whatever helps you plan... and I'll bring some diversions!
Found it!
Great day on the top!
Become a facebook friend of SSGMG to see more pics and news from the mountain group!
Top of Carnedd y Filiast
'Hat that covers the ears' competition
Wizz! The speed of the shutter deceives the eye as the explorers hurtle down the glisade!
Great day on the top!
Become a facebook friend of SSGMG to see more pics and news from the mountain group!
Monday, 7 January 2013
Slippy-slidey before we begin
The annual 'in search of snow' hike is this Sunday! It is often one of the best hikes of the year (but only if you are properly kitted out! It is a chance to learn how to use an Ice Axe and crampons ... and get ready for the Scotland Winter Mountain Walking camp

...but only if we find the slippy stuff!
I thought prospects weren't looking very good this year but the guys from ssgmg have been finding some snow up in the hills so maybe...

You need to have the right gear (or ask me now to borrow what you need!) but SSGMG give you axes (!) and crampons if we find the right stuff.
Here's the info form - give me a call if you are up for it! I'm going! (need to get to the hills to blow away some of that xmas pud!) (its also a good way to get your DofE fitness checked off if you come regularly (and get fit))
Otherwise, we start back on 17 Jan when the hamsters come out of hibernation. We have to park in the bus park and will meet in the new sports barn at PGL whilst they rebuild our usual car park and give us a basketball park (cheer PGLs!)
...but only if we find the slippy stuff!
I thought prospects weren't looking very good this year but the guys from ssgmg have been finding some snow up in the hills so maybe...

You need to have the right gear (or ask me now to borrow what you need!) but SSGMG give you axes (!) and crampons if we find the right stuff.
Here's the info form - give me a call if you are up for it! I'm going! (need to get to the hills to blow away some of that xmas pud!) (its also a good way to get your DofE fitness checked off if you come regularly (and get fit))
The consent form is in the post linked to in the useful links on the top right (you may need to change the year)
Otherwise, we start back on 17 Jan when the hamsters come out of hibernation. We have to park in the bus park and will meet in the new sports barn at PGL whilst they rebuild our usual car park and give us a basketball park (cheer PGLs!)
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